Advantages of Having a Lawn Sprinkler System

Things You Need To Consider About Installing a Lawn Sprinkler

Are you planning to have a lawn sprinkler installed? This is a great method to maintain your lawn watered and green all year round. If you’re planning to do this, there are many things you need to consider. No matter how good your knowledge about a lawn sprinkler system is, you’ll be able to get more information if you talk to experienced professionals.

Here are a few the things to consider that will help you choose the best sprinkler for your lawn:

Consider Your Lawn’s Size

Do you want to install a large or small sprinkler system? You need to consider how big your lawn is. For example, a large sprinkler system needs 2-inch or larger water lines and emitters. These are great for properties with large lawn areas.

Consider Your Lawn’s Grass Type

If you have fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, or buffalo grass, you need to consider the type of grass you have. This is because grass types have different needs. Do you have a yellowish color on the grass? This is usually due to poor soil. You need to be certainly sure that you have the right soil and nutrients. If you don’t have the right soil, you can consult a professional sprinkler system provider.

Consider Your Lawn’s Soil Types

Do you have clay or sandy soil? These soil types will affect how you install your lawn sprinkler system. If you have clay soil, you need to use a continuous-flow sprinkler system. This will help you get rid of clumps of soil and improve water drainage.

If you are planning to install a lawn sprinkler system, make sure to follow the tips above. If you are in Aurora, CO, you can always get in touch with Family Sprinkler and Landscaping. For inquiries and information, do not forget to contact us at (720) 429-4729 right away!

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