Japanese Maple Varieties: Common and Have Beautiful Foliage
For their delicate and vibrant foliage throughout the growing season and in the fall, Japanese maple tree species are highly regarded. It is a somewhat modest species, with adult heights ranging from 4 to 30 feet, depending on the cultivar, and has over a thousand variants. For example, “Geisha Gone Wild” and “Coonara Pygmy” are two dwarf kinds that can be trained to grow as bonsai and maintain their modest size. All of these Japanese maples make excellent choices, according to experts in landscape management services, because they have a variety of growth patterns and leaf colors, from red and yellow to green, as well as varying tree heights.
Full Moon
In contrast to the parent plant’s bright green leaves, the ‘Full Moon’ or ‘Aureum’ cultivar of A. shirasawanum features eye-catching bright yellow foliage. The summer foliage gradually develops to a yellow-green color before turning orange-red in the fall. It frequently grows as a shrub with multiple stems, but it can also be taught to have a single trunk and become a tiny tree.
Coral Bark Maple
Despite its slow growth, the full-size cultivar of coral bark maple can reach a height of 25 feet. This is a different variety of Japanese maple with red bark that can be attractive in the winter. When the leaves first appear, they are yellow-green, but by fall, they have deepened and turned yellow-gold. This tree should be placed in the landscape so that it may be appreciated for its lovely winter bark.
Emperor One
Even though Emperor One is shorter and grows straighter, it resembles the Japanese maple variety “Bloodgood” in appearance. This variety of Japanese maple trees leaves out later in the spring than other varieties due to its hardiness. Its dark red foliage changes to crimson red in the fall, and it has a bark that is black-red. The edges of its leaves are severely serrated and have a transparent look. Damage from pests rarely occurs. When mature, it can reach a height of up to 15 feet and grows 1 to 2 feet every year.
For professional landscape management services in the Aurora, CO area, make sure to contact Family Sprinkler and Landscaping at (720) 429-4729 today to book an appointment with us.