Lawn Sprinkler System Care Tips

There’s a Way to Extend the Lifespan of Your Sprinkler System!

Having a functioning sprinkler system is essential to keeping your lawn healthy and green. By regularly maintaining your sprinkler system, you can help to extend its lifespan and ensure you get the most from its use. Knowing how to extend the life of your lawn sprinkler system can save you time, money, and hassle in the long run.

Check it Regularly

To begin, it’s important to check your system regularly to ensure everything is in good condition. You should check for broken pipes, blocks, or leaks which can result in water loss and ultimately, damage the system. You should also check to see if any of the fittings are loose. If they are, it could be a sign that the system needs to be replaced or at least have components repaired.

Clean it Regularly

Another way to extend the life of your sprinkler system is to make sure it’s thoroughly cleaned. Dirt and debris can accumulate over time, which can affect the performance of your system. It’s important to clean from the bottom up, work your way through each section, and unclog any blockages where necessary.

Set it Correctly

You should also make sure your timer is set correctly. The timer will control when and how much the sprinkler system runs. Setting the timer to run at regular intervals and ensuring that the watering levels are sufficient will help reduce the chances of over-watering and minimize the amount of water wastage.

Maintain it Properly

Finally, it’s important to regularly service your sprinkler system and check for potential problem areas. If you notice anything that could be a potential source of trouble, it’s best to address the issue as soon as possible rather than waiting until it causes further damage.

Companies like Family Sprinkler and Landscaping are the ones that you can trust for an affordable lawn sprinkler system maintenance service in the area. We’re known in all Aurora, CO for the quality services that we’re offering at affordable prices. For inquiries, don’t hesitate to call us at (720) 429-4729!

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